UGN Environmental Policy
UGN strives to continually improve its Environmental Management System and conservation efforts by accomplishing its sustainability objectives and targets, meeting its compliance obligations, by the prevention of pollution, training of our Team Members and making it part of our business planning process.

Peter Anthony

Our Commitment to the Environment
UGN's Environmental Management System assures that UGN's manufacturing, delivery, and recycling operations are processed under the control of our EMS system. The EMS System is designed to adhere to ISO 14001:2015 standard. The system assures conformance to legal requirements and the company's environmental policy and provides objective evidence of effective control.

UGN's Environmental Policy, identifies management responsibilities, and references the procedures and supporting EMS System documents and records. The system commits to continual improvement and ensures that interested parties are considered. UGN provides leadership to manage the system and communicate it throughout our organization.

The EMS system complies with all regulatory requirements and is driven by the environmental objectives defined by management. The system is planned, implemented and reviewed while considering the context of our organization and all significant aspects are reviewed. Effectiveness is measured through internal audits, external audits, CARs and management review.

All contractors are expected to comply with procedures for handling and transporting all hazardous substances, minimize waste through recycling, reuse and pollution prevention. All contractors must keep their area of work free of debris at all times and are expected to clean their work space upon completion of their project.

UGN is committed to the enrichment of our environment.
Environmental Responsibility
To remain ISO 14001 certified, UGN protects the environment, an obligation to this earth we share with our customers, suppliers, team members, and the public.

Our customers work to promote and achieve reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, which drive the use of lightweight materials composed primarily of recycled materials. This combined with continuous, improvements in the products and processes, allow positive movement for customers and the environment.

As well, a rigorous environmental policy provides procedures to handle and transport all hazardous substances and to minimize waste through reducing, recycling, and reusing.

Suppliers and contractors also comply with all local, federal, and state requirements, and are willing to partner with other suppliers to promote a greener future.

The enrichment of our environment comes together with customers and suppliers.
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