Listen Your Way to Being a Better LeaderAn interesting headline in the Harvard Business Review blog network caught my attention: What Captures Your Attention Controls Your Life.

Chaos is the term that might come to mind, in this day and age, when it's hard to keep attention focused on any single task or project; when we have notifications pinging on devices and numerous windows open on our computer desktops at any given time.

Stop and take a look now. How many do you have open?

In the article, author Kare Anderson shared a study Disney World had hired her to conduct a few years ago - to see what captured the attention of children in their amusement park.

She and her team went in to observe how kids reacted to the cast members, rides, concessions, and multiple stimuli throughout the park.

What do you think most captured the children's attention? Their parent's cell phones. When their parents were using them.

We don't think about it - we think we can give everyone the attention they deserve and desire,  but our kids, and our teams are the real judges. They can tell us if we're doing a good job of it or not.

How to Become a Better Leader

The best thing you can do? Give undivided attention. Be the best listener ever.

Who are some of your closest friends? The ones you enjoy most spending time with? I'd be willing to bet they are the friends who listen to you and care about you.

Listening, explained Anderson, is the "social cement" and the foundation for the best relationships. It makes the other person feel valued, and opens you up to a new world of ideas.

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