Eight Self-Limiting Behaviors Successful People AvoidIn leadership and business, success can be influenced by what you don’t do, as much as it is by what you do.

There, of course, are a lot of lifehacks about what the more successful people do versus those who prefer to sit on the couch and watch reality television.

The truth of the matter is, no matter who you are or what you do, there are plenty of self-limiting behaviors we all do.

In Forbes post, author of Breakdown, Breakthrough Kathy Caprino examines eight self-limiting behaviors that successful people avoid.

Engage in “Below the Line” Thinking

“Below the line” thinking shapes the way business leaders approach challenges. It’s the blame game, pointing to outside circumstances—a flat economy, your industry, your work environment—as being responsible for lack of professional growth and stagnating business.

Caprino notes that while challenges come to every leader, those who practice “above the line thinking” will weather them more easily because they recognize “they are accountable for life and career, and have what it takes to navigate through challenges successfully.”

They do not participate in this self-limiting behavior because they take responsibility for their actions.

Mistake Wishful Thinking for Action

The most successful professionals understand that the outcomes they are pursuing are rooted in current activities.

“It’s critical to take bold action towards your vision, in order to create success.”

Business and personal goals will remained unmet and unfulfilled without meaningful and deliberate action, so the self-limiting behaviors, then, become wishing you were someone you are not.

Remain Powerless and Speechless

By advocating for themselves, successful people communicate their value and make sure that others in their organization know it.

They view themselves as in control of their own direction, tackle challenges directly, and seek solutions.

Not Investing in Themselves

It’s one thing to feel thwarted by circumstances and quite another to do something about it, says Caprino.

“Successful people spend money, time and effort on their own growth because they know it will pay off.”

Resist Change

Change is inevitable and it can be uncomfortable, but a willingness to adapt and embrace the trends of their industry sets successful people apart from the crowd.

“Those who are unsuccessful bemoan what is appearing before them and stay stuck in the past or in what they ‘expected’.”

Honor Other People’s Priorities Over Their Own

Setting boundaries and expectations about the importance of their priorities, values, and mission over those of their peers and colleagues, keeps successful people focused on meeting the goals they have firmly set.

“To do this, they are very clear about their top priorities in life and work, and won’t be waylaid by the priorities and values of others.”

Doubt Their Instincts

Caprino notes successful professional believe in themselves without fail, even when they “acknowledge they have ‘power gaps’ or blind spots, and areas that need deep development.”

Confidence in ability and vision keeps the best leaders focused on continually improving processes, coaching styles, and work habits.

When they do stumble, they don't participate in self-limiting behaviors. They recognize the lesson and move on.

Search for the Easy Answers

Success is directly proportional to the effort applied in pursuing it, says Caprino.

It might sound clichéd, but success doesn’t come easy for anyone. It’s the result of hard work, a clear vision, and not allowing others to distract and derail.

What self-limiting behaviors do you—or others around you—participate in that prevent success?


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