The Cost of Inconsistent LeadershipWhen things aren’t going to plan, it’s a common, knee-jerk reaction to first point blame somewhere else. It can't possibly be our own fault, right?

Monica Wofford wrote an interesting post about inconsistent leadership which requires us as leaders, to look within when employers are underperforming.

It’s an interesting concept, because the first reaction is to blame the underperforming employee, of course, and to think about termination or relocation to a different department.

Did you ever stop to think it could be your own fault?

According to Wofford, an inconsistent leader is hot and cold; good mood, bad mood; approachable, frightening; empathetic, ruthless.

Think of it from your team’s perspective and you can start to see why it would affect performance.

The Cost of Inconsistent Leadership

Awareness is the first step in dealing with inconsistent leadership. See the problem and tackle each one of these one by one. Practice mindfulness and keeping your mood steady.

Remember your mood affects everyone. You don't have the luxury in indulging in mood swings. And talk to your staff. If you find you need to make changes, approach it together. You’re not alone. Everyone wants to like everyone they work with.

Don't you agree?

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