leadership skills There are countless books on leadership skills and business, offering suggestions and strategies about how to engage, excite, and retain employees.

While culture and opportunities for growth are important in talent recruitment and retention, doing meaningful work is a powerful motivator.

In a Forbes post, senior affiliate professor of leadership and organizational behavior Schon Beechler argues that important leadership skills include helping others find meaning in their work.

The Search for Meaning

According to Beechler, when employees feel they are engaged in work that is important personally, there are positive effects felt throughout an organization: Improvements in employee loyalty, reductions in stress, turnover, and absenteeism, and increases in commitment, engagement, and effort.


leadershipThere are no shortage of horror stories online detailing outrageous behavior by bad bosses.

In fact, just Googling 'bad bosses' returns 6,200,000 results in 0.30 seconds.

You can be the most innovative businessman on the planet, but that doesn't mean you'll be a fantastic boss.

Even Apple's Steve Jobs was a notoriously prickly man, prone to lording his leadership over employees using motivation tactics like bullying, manipulation and fear.

And just because Jobs was one of the most successful leaders of our time doesn't mean you should go out of your way to behave this way within your own organization.


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