Leading a Multigenerational WorkforceLeadership in today’s business landscape greatly involves diversity. Normally, that means ethnic, religious, or gender differences.

However, one factor affecting our workforce, now more than ever, is the widening scope of multiple generations.

Today the workplace includes four distinct generations with different strengths, motivations, and work styles.

There are the Traditionalists (born between 1927 and 1945), The Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1965), Generation X (born between 1965 and 1980), and Generation Y/Millenials (born 1980 and later)

Each generation is different from the next with unique learning and communication styles, different work-life balance needs, and different preferences in how their contributions are recognized.

Preparation for and understanding of these differences and preferences can lead to a more effective organization.

How to Lead a Multigenerational Workforce

Information Week presents four great suggestions on how managers can help bridge the gaps and help teams draw on their various perspectives to produce even more positive outcomes.

Not only is it helpful to integrate generations with each other for more effective teamwork, but also to learn how to relate to each one in order to become better leaders.

How does your organization bridge the generational differences between employees?

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