Reframe Fear to Overcome FearEleanor Roosevelt’s famous quote reminds us to “do one thing everyday that scares you.” We all have different thresholds for fear, and different ways we process our fear.

Overcoming fear also has a different meaning for each of us.

But fear can be paralyzing.

Inc. Columnist Geoffrey James wrote an interesting article about tricking yourself out of fear and into action. The idea is that we get the best results when we take big leaps. They may be one of the scariest times, and full of risk, but the outcome, one way or the other, is most rewarding.

Think about some of the biggest decisions you’ve made in your life; things that disrupted your status quo. I’d be willing to bet, even if the planned outcome wasn’t achieved, it opened other doors to new opportunities.

James said, “I’ve managed to retrain my brain to get past the momentary fear and push toward the payoff.”

Four Ways to Reframe Fear Into Action

I’d love to hear from you, now. What have you done lately to overcome fear?

Photo courtesy of Vale Design.

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