How Auto Industry Leaders Can Manage StressEffective leaders know stress can be a good thing. It keeps you focused, makes you competitive, and prompts action. However, it can also turn toxic. Long hours, layoffs, and fear of what is around the corner can take its toll.

“A CEO needs to know what motivates their team so team members are not stressed and consequently working unproductively,” says Carole Spiers, contributor to

She offers tips that will help leaders better manage their own stress levels.

Feedback Makes You Smarter

Welcome feedback and criticism. Ask people to be honest with you even if you don’t like what they say.

“It’s easy to go into defensive mode but take heed when someone who you respect recognizes a change in your behavior, and conveys that to you, or to others,” Spiers says. The more ideas and opportunities you consider, the more empowered you’ll feel.

Have a Clear Focus

You are more productive when you tackle one job at a time rather than try to multi-task. If you have an unproductive task on your to-do list, eliminate that task. You’ll trim away stress at the same time.

Time Management

When your time isn't managed, you are less likely to be as creative and inspirational. Spier suggests leaders work in two hour blocks at a time with short but definitive intervals in between and see how much more productive you become.


Take some time for yourself every day. As a leader, you probably tend to work long days so don’t overdo it. Even if you take a quick 15 minute break, it can give you a different perspective on a stressful situation. It is even better to commit to vacation time. Whatever you do, just give yourself time off to relax.

Leaders are real people with lives outside of their jobs. Stress often makes people see their limitations, not their assets. To control stress, use your supports and minimize demands and constraints.

What do you do to relieve stress?

Image courtesy of Stock.xchng

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