Leaders - Five Things Your Team Hates about Your Leadership StyleNo matter how much you try to create an open workplace culture, encourage debate, those lower down the office hierarchy have a natural tendency to cover up reality for those towards the top.

Vineet Nayar, CEO of HCL Technologies Ltd. and contributor to HBR Blog Network, conducted a flash survey of his social media universe and asked, “What’s the one thing you’d like your boss to stop doing?”

He asked on Facebook, Twitter, and the internal social media platform at HCL.

He shares the top pieces of advice.

Tell it Like it is

Don’t worry if you’ll hurt people’s feelings and let them know where they stand.

Some of the responses Nayar received from his community were:

Nayar says, “No rose-tinted spectacles for today's employee; they have the pluck to look at their failures and successes and have little patience for circuitous comments.”

It’s hard to give constructive criticism, but it’s important to let your team know exactly where they stand. If you don’t, it will just annoy them and they’ll undermine your trust and leadership.

Coach, Enable, and Support

Don’t tell your team what you know. A young lady on Facebook said, “Give us freedom, exposure, and guidance.”

Nayar suggests leaders move from being knowledge-providers to enablers. “Create the platform for your team to perform and back them by providing guidance and support,” he says.

Leaders also need to not only provide feedback to their team, but also solicit it from them.

Practice What You Preach

In comments such as “Do away with the lack of congruence between your actions and your words because I need to trust you.,” it’s evident they are looking for role models, Nayar says.

Leaders must inspire and teach through their own actions. As a leader, you need to be a role model for your team.

Don’t Play Favorites

We have measurable goals so it’s no longer okay for an employee with weak performance to rise up the ladder.

Nayar says, the need to measure and be objective cannot be stressed enough. This is evident in one comment, “Reward performance, not sycophancy.”

Encourage your team more and take an interest in their development.

Be a Leader

Lead by example, not by rules,” wrote someone on Facebook.

Another respondent quoted Gordon Selfridge: “A boss inspires fear, a leader inspires enthusiasm.”

Employees want respect-worthy leaders.

If you see a decline in your employee’s enthusiasm you may want to see if there is disconnect between your leadership style and your team’s expectations, suggests Nayar. Simply ask them, “What’s the one thing you want me to stop doing as your boss?”

You might be surprised at what you find out.

Do you have the courage to ask your team this question?

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