When Being a Leader is a Struggle: How to Fix itIt happens to every leader at some point in his or her career. Oftentimes, being a leader means working your way through some struggles.

A vague unhappiness with your job, frustration with circumstances beyond your control.

If you're experiencing a sense that no matter how hard you work, nothing much is getting done, you may need to hit the reset button.

The difficulties you may be undergoing are part of what executive coach Mary Jo Asmus calls the leadership struggle.

While getting out of that struggle may not be easy, change is possible.

In a post Asmus wrote for Smart Blog on Leadership, she outlines steps you can take to ease leadership struggle, “clearing your heart and your mind for making decisions and taking action that will send you on your way to greatness.”

Take a Vacation

Chances are you have vacation time waiting to be used.

“Travel and R&R are great ways to get your energy back,” Asmus notes. “Your organization won’t fall apart, and you’ll come back to work with renewed energy and new ideas.”

There can be some big considerations when it comes to taking vacation as a leader. You need to look at the context within your organization and the timing. You also need to consider contingency plans.

But just because you have to put more forethought into your time off doesn't mean you should skip it.

Expand Your Range of Knowledge

Pursue a new hobby or take a class. This helps you “to focus on something else and perhaps generate fresh ideas for moving upward.”

As Gwen Moran explained in an article in Entrepreneur, many entrepreneurs and leaders claim they don't have time for hobbies.

But but being a leader doesn't preclude you from hobbies. In fact, hobbies actually make people better at running their companies in several key areas. These areas include decision-making, systematic thinking, and creativity.

Build a Support Group

Look to friends, colleagues and family members who can offer encouragement during your struggle. With a “mastermind group of peers,” you can get support and inspiration for when you feel stuck.

You'll also have the opportunity to give back and reciprocate when others are in need.

Hire a Coach When Being a Leader is a Struggle

If you have “a sensation of inability to move forward with goals,” an executive coach may offer a way out of the rut “that is customized for you.”

Hiring an executive coach isn't for everyone, however.

What is the right circumstance for a coach? When the challenges you're facing when it comes to being a leader fit the expertise of the coach.

"People, relationships, organizations and behavioral change are what executive coaches know best," wrote Dougless McKenna in an article on Forbes.

"When an executive is struggling to learn how to best manage herself and engage others, you’ve found the sweet spot for executive coaching."

Take Small Steps

“Sometimes it only takes a small step to start to get out of your struggle,” Asmus said.

Being a leader doesn't necessarily mean you can tackle a big problem in one leap.

Think about where you can start and what first small step you can take to change your situation. “Take that step and those that follow may be easier.”

Don’t Neglect Your Health

Your leadership struggle may be related to how well you’re taking care of yourself.

Pay attention to what you eat, the amount of sleep you’re getting and your level of regular exercise.

“Your struggle may be eased and overcome when you take care of yourself,” Asmus said.

Learn From Other Leaders

You can learn about coping strategies by observing other leaders in times of crisis. Being a leader is all about applying lessons in a variety of settings.

“Better yet, observe other leaders at their best,” Asmus says. “Sometimes ‘trying out’ something you observe them doing effectively” offers insights into dealing with your own struggles.

Focus On the Needs of Others

“When you struggle, you’re focused inward on yourself.”

One way out of that struggle is by turning your attention to the needs of others.

Helping people overcome hardship (whether it’s advising a family member or providing community service) may help put your own struggle into perspective, “making it less ominous.”

At its core, being a leader is all about helping others succeed. Plus, the good feeling that comes with helping others will certainly give you renewed strength to conquer your leadership struggle.

How do you cope with your leadership struggles?