Online Reputation It is an interesting world we live in. There are three generations in the workforce and, as business leaders, we are forced to straddle each generation as we grow our companies.

Fortunately technology is making our lives more efficient, even if we are reticent to use it.

Following are five ways to manage your online reputation, and that of your business.

Online Reputation Management: Set up alerts

Google offers alerts for free. You enter the search terms (your name, the company name, key competitors, etc.) and they send you an email anytime anyone mentions your terms online. It includes websites, blogs, social networks, comments, and more. Another service that does this well is Talkwalker.

Draw your Boundaries

Your boundaries may change as you become more comfortable online, but determine what they are right now. For instance, if you spend time on LinkedIn, perhaps you connect only with people you know and have a working relationship with and don't include those you just met at the industry trade show.

Take an Online Inventory

A quick way to check out your online reputation is to Google yourself! What comes up? It might be nothing or you might find a photo that is 10 years old. See what's out there. As Lindsay Lavine wrote in a Fast Company article titled Why You Should Google Yourself and Not Feel Guilty About It, "You need to know where you are, and how others perceive you."

Ask a Friend to Take an Online Inventory

This allows someone close to you to take a look at what is found online that might be perceived as disturbing. You're too close to matters so it is helpful to have someone else take a look.

Update Privacy Settings

If you spend time online, on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google+, or anywhere else, educate yourself on the privacy settings and make sure they're set where you are comfortable.

If you don't already spend a lot of time online, this project won't take you very long. But, at the very least, understand what is being said about you and your company—and encourage your team and your leaders to do the same. And keep those alerts active so that if anything changes, you know immediately.

How are you using technology to manage your online reputation?